Brueghel's Eye
Brussels / BE, Municipality of Dilbeek
07/04/2019 - 31/10/2019
Sint- Anna Pede Chapel & Watermill, Dilbeek / BE
The exhibition architecture refers to the canvas. The concept sees freestanding walls as bearers of the information about the thematic lines of the open-air exhibition with 15 installations by contemporary artists, architects and designers. The walls are built from wooden frames with digitally printed canvases, placed between the columns of the small Sint- Anna Pede chapel. Asymmetrically positioned in relation to the central axis of the chapel, the walls create a new vanishing point in both directions of the interior. At the entrance side the walls are the highest, towards the apse where the work of photographer Filip Dujardin is exhibited the height of the walls per row decreases. When leaving the space, the visual experience becomes different: the visitor looks at the rising walls that give a certain monumentality to the small chapel. The spatial configuration creates a stratification in both directions of circulation and emphasises the perspective. These characteristics can also be found in Brueghel's work.
Curator: Stefan Devoldere
Project manager: Kathleen Leys
Execution: Chloroform
Open air installations by: Guillaume Bijl / Josse De Pauw / Erik Dhont / Filip Dujardin / Futurefarmers (VS) / Gijs Van Vaerenbergh (Arnout Van Vaerenbergh) / Landinzicht / OFFICE KGDVS + Bas Princen (NL) / Rotor / Georges Rousse (FR) / Bas Smets / Koen van den Broek / Lois Weinberger (AT)
More infromation Brueghel's Eye