Remembering Landscape
Brussels, LUCA School of Arts
26.04 - 09.06.2019
De Markten
Rue du Vieux Marché aux Grains 5, 1000 Brussels, BE
Exhibition architecture to carry the voice which is granted by the exhibition's artists and groups of artists to landscape. They create current landscape images located between fiction, symbol and documentation, and appeal to our ability to read and decipher them – but also to the imagination and our capacity to mourn.
The spectator follows the walls that curl and create small, more intimate projection rooms, which organise the exhibition spaces for the installations and photographic works.
Curators: Dr. Eva Schmidt (Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen) and Prof. Dr. Kai Vöckler (HfG Offenbach)
Coordination: Leen Engelen and Jan Cools, LUCA School of Arts
Artists: Marianna Christofides, Chloe Dewe Mathews, Lukas Einsele, Anne Heinlein and Göran Gnaudschun, Markus Karstieß, Thomas Kellner, Jan Kempenaers, Aglaia Konrad, Susanne Kriemann, Armin Linke, Andreas Mühe, Alexandra Navratil, Unknown Fields Division, Danny Veys and Kristof Vrancken.
More info: LUCA School of Arts