Biennale svizzera del territorio
Back to the Future


Round table discussion

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A round table conversation curated by Asli Çiçek from Pecha Kucha selection committee, with Anna Clochiatti (The village is our home, a love letter to the vita di paese) and Inès Arida & Gerhard Bliedung (Action Bake to the future)

Like most of the contributions to the fifth Biennale Svizzera del Territorio, entitled Back to the Future, The Village is our Home and Bake to the Future attempt to bring qualities from the past into the present in order to test scenarios for the future. Instead of grand gestures, both focus on simple actions and interventions in the space and emphasise, not without a touch of nostalgia, the small scale, everyday life, in order to bring people together. The conversation with the two teams will revolve around the potential and relevance of such small interventions and tangible actions that are to be staged through architecture.

Consolato Generale d’Italia, Lugano / CH
05.10.2024, 4:45pm